We have four services that we provide.
Commodity First can help you assess current strengths and weaknesses of your business, processes and IT landscape, help you identify new business, operations and IT opportunities and quickly help you develop a solid business case with a realistic implementation roadmap. With key consultants possessing extensive managerial experience, engagement of key stakeholders and employees is a natural part of our approach.
In some cases, when a project has been successfully implemented, it can be operationally and financially viable to outsource support functions or parts of other functions or processes within your operating model. This can be particularly relevant in the Early Life Support (ELS) phase when things have not yet gone into full Business As Usual (BAU) mode or when the critical mass, your resources and own knowledge have not yet been established. In such cases, Commodity First can provide flexible and scalable solutions to fit your specific needs.
Wether or not Commodity First has been involved in assessing your current business or identifying new opportunities, Commodity First has a strong track record of running large proejcts and implementing new businesses, processes and IT solutions, on time and on budget. Dependent upon your own resources available, Commodity First can provide you with a complete project team ranging from Project Managers, Business Analysts, Change Managers, SMEs, Test Managers to Developers. Should you happen to already have any preferred partners for some roles required, Commodity First has extensive experience from coordinating and working with many suppliers.
Organisations may sometimes need a temporary type of resource where incentives are completely aligned with the organisation’s targets and objectives. Reasons for this could be driven by change e.g. an aggressive growth plan, a significant down sizing period, or simply that the organisation is short handed on a specific managerial role. With key consultants having experience from start-ups, turn around cases, process management or leading support organisations, Commodity First is a highly experienced partner for providing interim management services.
We can help you assess current strengths and weaknesses of your business, processes and IT landscape.